Facharzt für Innere Medizin, Hämatologie / Onkologie
Anschrift:Chefarzt der Klinik für Innere Medizin mit Schwerpunkt Hämatologie & Onkologie
Klinikum Arnsberg
St. Johannes-Hospital
Springufer 7
59755 Arnsberg
Klinische Schwerpunkte- Gastrointestinale Tumoren
- Hereditäre Tumordispositions-Syndrome
- Bronchialkarzinome
- Leukämien und Lymphome
- Autologe Stammzelltransplantation
Wissenschaftliche Schwerpunkte1994-1998:
Promotionsarbeit am Institut für Pathologie, BG Kliniken Bergmannsheil, RUB, Direktor Prof. Dr. K.-M. Müller
Förderung durch ein Promotionsstipendium der Medizinischen Fakultät der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Dissertationsthema: „Prognosefaktoren bei neoadjuvant behandelten lokal fortgeschrittenen Lungentumoren : P53, RAS, ERBB-2, PCNA und MIB-1“
Seit 1999:
Koordinator des Zentrums für Familiären Darmkrebs der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Forschungsaufenthalt an der University of Maryland, School of Medicine, Dept. of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Baltimore, MD. Direktor: Prof. Dr. Stephen J. Meltzer, MD, Förderung durch ein Stipendium der Mildred Scheel Stiftung der Deutschen Krebshilfe:
Arbeiten zu Colitis-assoziierten kolorektalen Karzinomen und Biomarkern für die Progression des Barrett-Ösophagus
Forschungsrotation im Rahmen eines Stipendiums der Medizinischen Fakultät der Ruhr-Universität Bochum (FORUM).
Thema: „Molekulare Prädiktionsfaktoren für die Therapie des metastasierten kolorektalen Karzinoms“
PublikationenOriginalarbeiten in Peer-Reviewed Journals
1.Frank B, Burwinkel B, Bermejo JL, Försti A, Hemminki K, Houlston R, Mangold E, Rahner N, Friedl W, Friedrichs N, Buettner R, Engel C, Loeffler M, Holinski-Feder E, Morak M, Keller G, Schackert HK, Krüger S, Goecke T, Moeslein G, Kloor M, Gebert J, Kunstmann E, Schulmann K, Rüschoff J, Propping P; German HNPCC Consortium. Ten recently identified associations between nsSNPs and colorectal cancer could not be replicated in German families. Cancer Lett. 2008 Nov 18;271(1):153-7. Epub 2008 Jul 10.
2.Schulmann K, Engel C, Propping P, Schmiegel W. Small bowel cancer risk in Lynch syndrome. Gut. 2008 Nov;57(11):1629-30. Epub 2008 Mar 26.
3.Müller CI, Schulmann K, Reinacher-Schick A, Andre N, Arnold D, Tannapfel A, Arkenau H, Hahn SA, Schmoll SH, Porschen R, Schmiegel W, Graeven U. Predictive and prognostic value of microsatellite instability in patients with advanced colorectal cancer treated with a fluoropyrimidine and oxaliplatin containing first-line chemotherapy. A report of the AIO Colorectal Study Group. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2008 Nov;23(11):1033-9. Epub 2008 Jul 2.
4.Morak M, Schackert HK, Rahner N, Betz B, Ebert M, Walldorf C, Royer-Pokora B, Schulmann K, von Knebel-Doeberitz M, Dietmaier W, Keller G, Kerker B, Leitner G, Holinski-Feder E. Further evidence for heritability of an epimutation in one of 12 cases with MLH1 promoter methylation in blood cells clinically displaying HNPCC. Eur J Hum Genet. 2008 Jul;16(7):804-11. Epub 2008 Feb 27.
5.Müller A, Zielinski D, Friedrichs N, Oberschmid B, Merkelbach-Bruse S, Schackert HK, Linnebacher M, von Knebel Doeberitz M, Büttner R, Rüschoff J; German HNPCC Consortium, German Cancer Aid Deutsche Krebshilfe. Reduced mRNA expression in paraffin-embedded tissue identifies MLH1- and MSH2-deficient colorectal tumours and potential mutation carriers. Virchows Arch. 2008 Jul;453(1):9-16. Epub 2008 Jun 26.
6.Sato F, Jin Z, Schulmann K, Wang J, Greenwald BD, Ito T, Kan T, Hamilton JP, Yang J, Paun B, David S, Olaru A, Cheng Y, Mori Y, Abraham JM, Yfantis HG, Wu TT, Fredericksen MB, Wang KK, Canto M, Romero Y, Feng Z, Meltzer SJ. Three-tiered risk stratification model to predict progression in Barrett’s esophagus using epigenetic and clinical features. PLoS ONE. 2008 Apr 2;3(4):e1890.
7.Selaru FM, Wang S, Yin J, Schulmann K, Xu Y, Mori Y, Olaru AV, Sato F, Hamilton JP, Abraham JM, Schneider P, Greenwald BD, Brabender J, Meltzer SJ. Beyond Field Effect: Analysis of Shrunken Centroids in Normal Esophageal Epithelia Detects Concomitant Esophageal Adenocarcinoma. Bioinform Biol Insights. 2007;1:127-136.
8.Goecke T*, Schulmann K*, Engel C, Holinski-Feder E, Pagenstecher C, Schackert HK, Kloor M, Kunstmann E, Vogelsang H, Keller G, Dietmaier W, Mangold E, Friedrichs N, Propping P, Kruger S, Gebert J, Schmiegel W, Rueschoff J, Loeffler M, Moeslein G; German HNPCC Consortium. Genotype-phenotype comparison of German MLH1 and MSH2 mutation carriers clinically affected with Lynch syndrome: a report by the German HNPCC Consortium. J Clin Oncol. 2006 Sep 10;24(26):4285-92 (*= co-first authors).
9.Wang S, Zhan M, Yin J, Abraham JM, Mori Y, Sato F, Xu Y, Olaru A, Berki AT,Li H, Schulmann K, Kan T, Hamilton JP, Paun B, Yu MM, Jin Z, Cheng Y, Ito T, Mantzur C, Greenwald BD, Meltzer SJ. Transcriptional profiling suggests that Barrett’s metaplasia is an early intermediate stage in esophageal adenocarcinogenesis. Oncogene. 2006 Jun 1;25(23):3346-56.
10.Sterian A, Kan T, Berki A, Mori Y, Olaru A, Schulmann K, Sato F, Wang S, Paun B, Cai K, Hamilton JP, Abraham JM, Meltzer SJ. Mutational and LOH analyses of the chromosome 4q region in esophageal adenocarcinoma. Oncology 2006; 70 (3): 168-72.
11.Krüger S, Bier A, Engel C, Mangold E, Pagenstecher C, von Knebel Doeberitz M, Holinski-Feder E, Moeslein G, Schulmann K, Plaschke J, Rüschoff J, Schackert HK and The German HNPCC-Consortium. The p53 codon 72 variation is associated with the age of onset of hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC). Journal of Medical Genetics, 2005 Oct;42(10):769-73.
12.Mangold E, Pagenstecher C, Friedl W, Mathiak M, Büttner R, Engel C, Löffler M, Holinski-Feder E, Müller-Koch Y, Keller G, Schackert HK, Krüger S, Goecke T, Möslein T, Kloor M, Gebert J, Kunstmann E, Schulmann K, Rüschoff J, Propping P, and the German HNPCC Consortium. Spectrum and Frequencies of Mutations in MSH2 and MLH1 identified in 1721 German Families suspected of Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer, Int. J. Cancer, 2005 Sep 20;116(5):692-702.
13.Schulmann K, Mori Y, Croog V, Yin J, Olaru A, Sterian A, Sato F, Wang S, Xu Y, Deacu E, Berki AT, Hamilton JP, Kan T, Abraham JM, Schmiegel W, Harpaz N, Meltzer SJ. Molecular phenotype of inflammatory bowel disease-associated neoplasms with microsatellite instability. Gastroenterology, 2005 Jul;129(1):74-85.
14.Schulmann K, Sterian A, Berki A, Yin J, Sato F, Xu Y, Olaru A, Wang S, Mori Y, Deacu E, Hamilton J, Kan T, Krasna MJ, Beer DG, Pepe MS, Abraham JM, Feng Z, Schmiegel W, Greenwald BD, Meltzer SJ. Inactivation of p16, RUNX3, and HPP1 occurs early in Barrett’s-associated neoplastic progression and predicts progression risk. Oncogene. 2005 Jun 9;24(25):4138-48.
15.Schulmann K, Brasch F, Kunstmann E, Engel C, Pagenstecher C, Vogelsang H, Krüger S, Vogel T, Knaebel HP, Rüschoff J, Hahn SA, von Knebel-Doeberitz M, Moeslein G, Schackert HK, Tympner C, Mangold E, Schmiegel W, The German HNPCC-Consortium. HNPCC-associated Small Bowel Cancer: Clinical and Molecular Characteristics. Gastroenterology, 2005 Mar;128(3):590-9.
16.Schulmann K*, Hollerbach S*, Kraus K, Willert J, Vogel T, Möslein G, Pox C, Reiser M, Reinacher-Schick A, Schmiegel W. Feasibility and Diagnostic Utility of Video Capsule Endoscopy for the Detection of Small Bowel Polyps in Patients with Hereditary Polyposis Syndromes. Am. J. Gastroenterol, 2005, Jan; 100 (1): 27-37 (*= co-first authors).
17.Deacu E, Mori Y, Sato F, Yin J, Olaru A, Sterian A, Xu Y, Wang S, Schulmann K, Bryant L, Kan T, Abraham JM, Meltzer SJ. Activin Type II Receptor Restoration in ACVR2-Deficient Colon Cancer Cells Induces TGF-? Response Pathway Genes. Cancer Res. 2004 Nov 1;64(21):7690-7696.
18.Plaschke J, Engel C, Krüger S, Schulmann K, Pagenstecher C, Mangold E, Moeslein G, Gebert J, von Knebel Doeberitz M, Rüschoff J, Loeffler M, Holinski-Feder E, Schackert HK and The German HNPCC-Consortium. Lower incidence of colorectal cancer and later age of disease onset in 27 families with pathogenic MSH6 germline mutations compared to families with MLH1 or MSH2 mutations. J Clin Oncol. 2004 Nov 15;22(22):4486-94. Epub 2004 Oct 13
19.Aretz S, Uhlhaas S, Sun Y, Pagenstecher C, Mangold E,Caspari R, Möslein G, Schulmann K, Propping P, Friedl W. Familial adenomatous polyposis: Aberrant splicing due to missense or silent mutations in the APC gene. Hum Mutat. 2004 Nov;24(5):370-80.
20.Kunstmann E, Generalow A, Epplen JT, Schulmann K. Impact of genetic counseling and testing on colorectal cancer screening behavior. Genet Test. 2004 Summer;8(2):79.
21.Kunstmann E, Vieland J, Brasch FE, Hahn SA, Epplen JT, Schulmann K, Schmiegel W. HNPCC: Six new pathogenic mutations. BMC Medical Genetics 2004, 5:16.
22.Hollerbach S, Schulmann K. The scope and the capsule: a reunited family? Endoscopy 2004; 36 (6): 563-4.
23.Kraus K, Hollerbach S, Pox C, Willert J, Schulmann K, Schmiegel W. Diagnostik okkulter Blutungen des oberen Gastrointestinaltraktes durch die Videokapselendoskopie. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2004 Jun 11;129(24):1369-74.
24.Bartsch DK, Kress R, Sina-Frey M, Grützmann R, Gerdes B, Pilarsky C, Heise JW, Schulte KM, Colombo-Benkmann M, Schleicher C, Witzigmann H, Pridohl O, Ghadimi M, Horstmann O, von Bernsdorff W, Jochimsen L, Schmidt J, Eisold S, Estevez-Schwarz L, Hahn SA, Schulmann K, Böck W, Gress TM, Zügel N, Breitschaft K, Prenzel K, Messmann H, Endlicher E, Schneider M, Ziegler A, Schmiegel W, Schaefer H, Rothmund M, Rieder H. Prevalence of familial pancreatic cancer in Germany. Int J Cancer, 2004 Jul 20;110(6):902-6.
25.Mori Y, Yin J, Sato F, Sterian A, Simms LA, Selaru FM, Schulmann K, Xu Y, Olaru A, Wang S, Deacu E, Abraham J, Young J, Leggett BA, Meltzer SJ. Identification of Genes Uniquely Involved in MSI-H Colon Carcinogenesis by Expression Profiling Combined with Epigenetic Scanning. Cancer Res., 2004 Apr 1;64(7):2434-8.
26.Plaschke J, Krüger S, Dietmaier W, Gebert J, Sutter C, Mangold E, Pagenstecher C, Holinski-Feder E, Schulmann K, Möslein G, Rüschoff J, Engel C, Evans G, Schackert HK, German HNPCC Consortium. Eight Novel MSH6 Germline Mutations in Patients with Familial and Nonfamilial Colorectal Cancer selected by Loss of Protein Expression in Tumor Tissue. Hum Mutat. 2004 Mar;23(3):285.
27.Schulmann K, Schmiegel W. Capsule endoscopy for small bowel surveillance in hereditary intestinal polyposis and non-polyposis syndromes. Gastrointest Endosc Clin N Am. 2004 Jan;14(1):149-58.
28.Schulmann K, Hahn SE, Brasch F, Schmiegel W. Microsatellite instability and expression of MLH1 and MSH2 carcinomas of the small bowel. Cancer, 2003, 98 (8): 1774-1775.
29.Schulmann K, Hollerbach S, Schmiegel W. Diagnosing small bowel Crohn’s disease with wireless capsule endoscopy. Gut, 2003, 52: 1531-1532.
30.Hollerbach S, Kraus K, Willert J, Schulmann K, Schmiegel W. Endoscopically Assisted Video Capsule Endoscopy of the Small Bowel in Patients with Functional Gastric Outlet Obstruction. Endoscopy 2003; 35 (3): 226-229.
31.Friedl W, Uhlhaas S, Schulmann K, Stolte M, Loff S, Back W, Mangold E, Stern M, Knaebel HP, Sutter C, Weber RG, Pistorius S, Burger B, Propping P. Juvenile polyposis: massive gastric polyposis is more common in MADH4 mutation carriers than in BMPR1A mutation carriers. Hum Genet 2002;111:108-111.
32.Fischer C, Buthe J, Nollau P, Hollerbach S, Schulmann K, Schmiegel W, Wagener C, Tschentscher P. Enrichment of mutant KRAS alleles in pancreatic juice by subtractive iterative polymerase chain reaction. Lab Invest 2001;81:827-831.
33.Junker K, Thomas M, Schulmann K, Klinke V, Bosse U, Muller KM. Regressionsgrading neoadjuvant behandelter nicht-kleinzelliger Lungentumoren. Pathologe 1997;18:131-140.
34.Junker K, Thomas M, Schulmann K, Klinke F, Bosse U, Muller KM. Tumour regression in non-small-cell lung cancer following neoadjuvant therapy. Histological assessment. J.Cancer Res.Clin.Oncol. 1997;123:469-477.
1.Schulmann K, Stemmler S. Hereditäres Kolonkarzinom. Klinik und molekulargenetische Diagnostik. Der Gastroenterologe 3 (2): 112-118.
2.Schulmann K, Pox C, Schmiegel W. Genetische Untersuchungen in der Gastroenterologie – Was ist wann sinnvoll und wirklich notwendig? Viszeralchirurgie 2007; 42: 203-214.
3.Schulmann K, Pox C, Tannapfel A, Schmiegel W. The patient with multiple intestinal polyps. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol. 2007;21(3):409-26.
4.Schulmann K, Schmiegel W. Wie funktioniert das? Kapselendoskopie. MMW Fortschr Med. 2003 Sep 4;145(35-36):58-9.
5.Pox C, Schulmann K, Schmiegel W. Konventionelles und molekulares Screening (Stuhltests). Internist (Berl). 2003 Mar;44(3):287-93.
6.Schulmann K, Reiser M, Schmiegel W. Colonic cancer and polyps. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol. 2002 Feb;16(1):91-114.